Wallpaper can add elegance, style, and beauty to any room by bringing it to life with rich and beautiful accents that show off a home’s style. With thousands of different styles, designs, and patterns that homeowners can choose from, wallpaper is a great way to add a warm touch and a unique atmosphere to any room.
Paintpourri offers a unique and rich collection of wallpapers manufactured by York wallcoverings, one of the world's leading manufacturers of wallpaper fashions. Our selection of York products include wallpapers that are available in a large selection of styles, designs, and colors that can fit the atmosphere of any home. Whether you are searching for wallpaper with a modern twist or prefer something more classic, York wallpaper has thousands of different styles and patterns to choose from. From wall coverings to feature walls to ceilings, our selection of York wall coverings will suit all your home decor needs.
York is one of America's oldest and largest wallpaper manufacturers. As a leading manufacturer of wallcoverings that are bought and sold in over 80 countries, York wallcoverings is a thriving and world-renowned manufacturer of wallpaper decor. This award-winning wallcoverings company has been manufacturing and distributing unique and elegant wallcoverings since 1895. As an industry leader in some of the world's best wallpaper brands, York designs offer craftsmanship that is unrivaled by any other company in the industry. With wallcoverings that are available in both residential and commercial options, York designs offer striking colors and bold textures that appeal to any eye. York also creates eco-friendly wallpapers that are inspired by nature and manufactured out of real materials like sand, leaves, and glass beads. York’s inventive designs and skilled craftspeople take pride in the creative process while embracing the craft of creating wallpapers.
Wallpaper is a fantastic way to add a unique touch to your home. With some of the best designs in the United States that are styled by some of America’s finest craftspeople, York wallpaper has hundreds of collections that are inspirational, elegant, and sophisticated.
With wallpapers that range from dazzling dimensions to waverly classics, York wallcoverings add beauty and life to any home. Contact us today for more information on our wide selection of York wall coverings. Let us help you choose the right wallpaper design for your home while helping to enhance its beauty and bring it to life.